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We currently have an opening for a (fully funded) postdoc position in the cavity lab. With this project, we are combining the flexibility of atomic tweezer arrays with the interaction control arising from light-matter coupling. Depending your interests the position will also be associated with the fiber lab, which will give you the opportunity to do more applied research and develop new fiber-based quantum technologies. More information on the position can be found here.
We currently have an opening for a Master thesis in the fiber lab. In our group we use optical cavities to bring atom-light coupling into the quantum regime. The cavity mirrors are produced by manipulating the surface with a high-power laser. In this project you will build. In this project you will learn how to work with optics (e.g. interferometry), how to optimally extract information from your data, and how to design and construct an ultrahigh-finesse optical cavity.
Our laboratories are located in the centre of Vienna – an international, diverse city, with an outstanding quality of life, offering a large variety of cultural and outdoor activities.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to Julian Leonard.